5 Things I Have in Common with Goldie Hawn

5 Things I Have in Common with Goldie Hawn

I had dinner with Goldie Hawn recently. It’s true! 🙂

Goldie was in town for a dinner to raise funds for The Hawn Foundation, the organization she set up ten years ago dedicated to providing children with the social and emotional skills they need to live smarter, happier, healthier lives.

In particular, she was promoting their signature MindUP Curriculum–lessons that foster self-awareness, focused attention, and emotion-regulation as well as the necessary social and emotional learning necessary for academic success.

The event was held at the Park Tavern Restaurant in historic North Beach on Washington Park Square in San Francisco.

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How to Use Charms to Build, Bond, Create, Stimulate

How to Use Charms to Build, Bond, Create, Stimulate

Interested in what your daughter thinks about her boyfriend? Wonder how your son feels about his math teacher? What question do you want to ask your children but are not sure about how to go about it?

I love charms and about two years ago, Josh Freedman and I thought it would be fun to have a bag of them that could be used to discover what family members were thinking? Or perhaps, something the kids could play with at the airport and create stories? So we created the Emoticons – a bag of approximately twenty charms, including such items as:

• Butterfly
• Tape measure

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Are American Parents That Good At Bad Parenting? You Decide

Are American Parents That Good At Bad Parenting? You Decide

Last week I read an article in the Wall Street Journal that headlined, ‘Why French Parents Are Superior’ written by author of ‘Bringing Up Bebe,’ American Pamela Druckerman.

Funnily enough, almost exactly a year ago, the Wall Street Journal published an article headlined, ‘Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior’ written by Amy Chua, author of the explosive ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.’

(Something tells me the WSJ is trying to save money on employing headline writers and recycling previously successful headlines they know will rile the American public into an indignant frenzy. :-))

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Have Empathy And Honesty Gone Down The Drain?

Have Empathy And Honesty Gone Down The Drain?

I heard a tale recently that appalled and fascinated me at the same time.

The tale was told to me as a funny story, a hilarious situation. But I was more circumspect.

A girl, about eight or nine, had been out with her sister, parents and grandparents. While she was out, she’d visited a public bathroom. As she went to wash her hands, she found a significant amount of money – apparently around  $70 – left on the sink by the tap.

The child picked the money up and took it back to her parents who were surprised and delighted at her find. She got to keep the money.

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Are Diamonds and Intimacy A Girl’s Best Friends?

Are Diamonds and Intimacy A Girl’s Best Friends?

Well, the answer, it would seem, is it depends on the color.

I grew up with the concept that the more pure the diamond–the more clarity and clearness without flaws–the more rare it is, and therefore, the more expensive.

And, a little research on the Internet seems to confirm those old thoughts.

Sure enough, yellow color in a diamond is considered a negative, an impurity. Something about too much nitrogen.

And brown diamonds are firmly lodged at the bottom of the desirability list.

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Anabel Jensen Awarded 2012 CAG Distinguished Service Award

Anabel Jensen Awarded 2012 CAG Distinguished Service Award

Dear Six Seconds Community,

I have some exciting and enticing news to share with all of you.

Anabel has been selected as the 2012 recipient of the California Association for the Gifted (CAG) Distinguished Service Award from the Bay Area Region.  This award is given to one member in the GATE community for outstanding contributions to the interests of gifted/talented children.

Selections are based on the following criteria:
* Demonstrated excellence that benefits gifted/talented students
* Proven commitment to gifted children

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Sibling Rivalry: Jealousy and Love

Sibling Rivalry: Jealousy and Love

I was seventeen years old and had been an only child for that entire time. I had reveled in having no rival for my parent’s love and attention. But then in the spring of 1957, my mother reported she felt nauseated.

She’d recently taken a bad fall and only went to the doctor because my dad and I urged her to make an appointment to check for a cracked rib.

Twenty four hours later my world was topsy-turvy. Mom wasn’t sick.

She was pregnant.

Thousands of thoughts steamed through my head. I would lose my parents’ focus and attention. I would lose their love. I would be displaced by a cherubic angel.

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3 Vital Attributes for Leadership

3 Vital Attributes for Leadership

I love hats.

I once held a dinner where many hats were on show. My guests were in awe of my collection.

I had to confess that only some of them were mine – a couple of friends had brought their own to round out my display – but I am fond of hats, so I’d like to use this metaphor to remind you of a few things that will help make your time on this wonderful planet live up to your expectations.

You, who are reading this, are in a unique position.  I would hazard a guess that you are in a leadership position, such as teacher, consultant, director, professor, manager, supervisor, parents, etc.

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Thanks For The Prickles

Thanks For The Prickles

This time last year, I had just endured my first surgery. You may be wondering how I managed to live so long avoiding such a feat but I can assure you, no matter how old you are, the first time is always significant and humbling.

Back then I was thankful for decades of previous great health, my friends and family who dug deep to help me through the experience, my little dog, Taffy, for being such an undemanding companion.

This year, however, while I am still deeply appreciative of my family and friends and the profound things of life, I find myself grateful for weird, prickly things.

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The Princess with the Glass Heart

The Princess with the Glass Heart

When I was very small – probably about seven – I read a fairy tale about a princess who was born with a glass heart. In the story, this princess grew into a lovely young woman. Early one day, feeling joy at the sight of the first crocuses or daffodils or tulips in the palace garden below, she leaned too far out the over a window sill. The pressure on her fragile heart proved too much. There was a tiny sound – like glass breaking – and she fell as if dead.

When the confusion settled, the doctor discovered her heart was not broken after all, but she had suffered a long, slender crack in it. The princess had survived this near catastrophe. The princess lived to be very old and continues to find deep pleasure in her life. As a child, I remember thinking and being puzzled about:

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