emotional intelligence, giftedness, gifted children, anabel jensen, reading, childrens booksThis is a list of fabulous children’s books you (yes, you) should read.

If you have a child, I recommend you read these books together and talk about the messages inherent within them. Discuss what the message means for your own life and share that with your child. And listen carefully to what s/he has to say about his or her own interpretation of the message contained within the book both for his/herself and his/her thoughts on your sharing.

If you don’t have a child, read them anyway. We can all play, have fun and take the message on board via these means. Great insights are to be had in just minutes. Think about the characters, the plot, what the take-away is for your own life. Bring some fun to the process, write down your thoughts, apply the lesson.

These books are correlated with the 6 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Change The World that I believe are critical for success at home, at work, and at play. Enjoy!


Children’s Storybook #1:

emotional intelligence, giftedness, gifted children, anabel jensen, reading, childrens books

Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

Only change yourself. Change comes from within; it requires respect for self and others.


Children’s Storybook #2:

emotional intelligence, giftedness, gifted children, anabel jensen, reading, childrens books

Just Grace by Charise Mericle

Don’t assume; ask. Don’t ever assume what the “other person” needs or wants.  Try asking.


Children’s Storybook #3:

emotional intelligence, giftedness, gifted children, anabel jensen, reading, childrens books

Beautiful Oops by Barney Salzberg

Take risks; be willing to fail, but never give up.


Children’s Storybook #4:

emotional intelligence, giftedness, gifted children, anabel jensen, reading, childrens books

Waiting For Wings by Lois Ehlert

Wait before deciding. Waiting improves thinking; become a “delay specialist.”


Children’s Storybook #5:

emotional intelligence, giftedness, gifted children, anabel jensen, reading, childrens books

Weslandia by Paul Fleishman

Know that hard work and character triumph over high-test scores.


Children’s Storybook #6:

emotional intelligence, giftedness, gifted children, anabel jensen, reading, childrens books

Don’t Need Friends by Carol Crimi

Remember friends are more important for long life and happiness than any other element.


Do you have any favorite picture books you’d like to recommend for adults? Tell us in the comments!

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[…] Change The World, I outlined the six key concepts to becoming a change maker. In the second post, 6 Children’s Storybooks Every Emotionally Intelligent Adult Should Read, I correlated each of these key concepts with a picture storybook – books both children and […]