anabel jensen, emotional intelligence, CAG, six secondsDr. Anabel Jensen, Ph.D

Dr. Anabel Jensen has taught, nurtured and advocated for the needs of gifted/talented children for over four decades. Her approach has always been to look at the whole child from a comprehensive perspective, finding the child’s strengths and facilitating the world of discovery for the child to recognize and believe in those abilities.

Since the beginning of her career Anabel has been a visionary for gifted education. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley where she majored in child development. Early in her profession she designed individualized programs for gifted minors, and as a master teacher and diagnostician, she produced and modeled procedures for administering learning differences tests, created curriculum for individual children, evaluated school programs and guided teachers in selecting methods and materials for prescriptive teaching.

Anabel’s work with gifted/talented children includes pioneering experience as an educator, director, principal, and professor of education. She has trained over 10,000 educators, parents, and individuals and has had significant experiences collaborating with school administrators in the implementation of unique and innovative educational curricula for both public and private schools. She crafts training programs and mentors principals to develop an effective program and climate for social-emotional learning.

Dr. Jensen is Co-Founder and CEO of Synapse School in Menlo Park. Synapse is an independent elementary and middle school for gifted, talented and creative children where an advanced academic curriculum is fully integrated with interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences.

Anabel also serves as President and Co-Founder of Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, where she has co-authored social/emotional assessments, which support gifted youngsters in strengthening these skills. She is also a Full Professor at Notre Dame de Namur University, plus Department Chair of the College of Education at NDNU where she teaches graduate students who are completing either a master’s degree or a teacher’s credential.

Anabel’s noble goal is to “teach accountability and compassion so that ethical decisions will flood the globe.”

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