
A 60 minute webinar conducted by Anabel with Ann Smith of the Gifted Support Center. Click here to view.

What if one billion people were practicing the skills of emotional intelligence? Imagine the ripple… connection. compassion. respect. peace. What would you like about such a world? We’re committed to making this vision a reality — will you be part of it?

In most schools, questions stick at the factual level. How can teachers ask more powerful questions to fuel creative and critical thinking?

Emma Freedman, teen conservationist and changemaker speaks to youth around the world to inspire change and empower youth to take action. It’s our time to make a difference.

A comprehensive exploration of how emotional literacy is being taught at the Synapse grade school by the Six Second Team, Anabel Jensen, Ph.D., President, Joshua Freedman, Chief Operating Officer, and Marsha Rideout, Synapse Admissions Director.

This presentation is directed to Ayman Sawaf for presentation to South African educators…

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